Ka Lāhui Hawaiʻi Mayoral Candidate Q&A



Question 1.  Do you support strengthening laws, rules and protocols for permitting large projects such as the Kahuku Windmills that would include a long, transparent and vigorous process to get the consensus of the communities they will directly affect before the project is approved? 

Question 2.  Are there adequate legal protections and safeguards in place that are consistently applied to ensure the protection of “previously identified” and “inadvertently discovered”burials of iwi kūpuna when permitting both private and public construction projects on Oʻahu?

Question 3.  The City and County of Honolulu has until 2028 to open a new landfill and cease operations at the Waimanalo Gulch Sanitary. Given the environmental justice issues that proliferate Oahu’s Leeward Coast, including HPOWER’s fine for exceeding the allotted amount of dissolved solids in the recirculation water it uses in its cooling towers as well as the only construction and demolition landfill, will you work to find a new landfill site outside of the Leeward Coast

Question 4.  Do you believe that there are ways to jump start the local economy post COVID-19 in a sustainable way outside of tourism?

Question 5.  Do you support the collection of data relating to police arrests and prosecution of cases within the Office of the Prosecutor to assess and address racial and ethnic disparities?


ACLU Hawaiʻi Island Prosecutorial Questionnaire


Civil Beat Mayoral Questions